Wednesday, July 23, 2008

hungry eyes...

Work started today. Even after our eventful Tuesday evening, everyone was up and rearing to go. While on the train it was decided a rousing game of Musical Subway or Running of the Bull (maybe that should be Running of the Dragon?) was necessary since we assumed it was going to be a long ride. I won...again. I am telling you, if this were an Olympic event I would NOT be here flash quoting and I would likely be flying home with a gold medal. Anyway, essentially we all won because we all got a seat on the train but I got there first. I win. An hour later, we were VERY grateful we played Musical commute time 1 hour and 5 min (not including the walk to the train or from the train to the venue.) While on the train I made friends with a two year old Chinese boy. He was not happy his mother decided on the train for the day, but the two of us played an exciting round of peek-a-boo, followed by ugly faces, and capped off with a couple tongue stick outs. It was fun and he was adorable. (question: is bringing home a Chinese infant an acceptable souvenir?)

When we arrived at our stop we immediately set out for food. Then we remembered what Krystyna told us, there is no food places out there, eat before you come. That game was over. Krystyna and Paul (not the same guy who owns the restaurant) met us and we walked to the venue. Security was already up so we had our first experience with that...I felt so important. The venue is beautiful, however, I am retarded and did not bring my camera so I am waiting to steal photos from other people. (Mom says I need more color in the blog, so I will make my best effort to start adding photos.)

The ten of us were like little children on Christmas. We walked out on to the main floor and everyone just had a glow in their eyes. Even though the venue isn't huge, it was easy to see no one knew where to look first. The press tribunes, the track, the medal podium. Ours eyes darted back and forth feasting on anything we could see. It was agreed that this is probably the coolest thing we had ever done. While we were there the Chinese cheerleaders were practicing some dance, which we are learning so that we can perform if needed, and the other volunteers were training for their jobs. It was surreal. I couldn't believe that I was standing on the floor of an Olympic venue...oh but it got better. We then went out on to the track and walked that for a while, followed by a tour of the BMX venue and a walk up to the gate where they start the events. After that we were done for the day. Sadly no uniforms and we were told to take the weekend off. I know, rough life. So the exciting plan is - Shanghai!! The girls that aren't in photo are all going to take an overnight train to Shanghai, spend all day Friday and Saturday there and then take an overnight train back. At least, that was the plan as of 2 hours ago. I have been sequestered in my room due to the flu situation addressed in the last blog. We seriously need an infirmary so that we don't keep spreading this around.

We'll see what actually happens with the Shanghai thing, but it sounds promising. I'm excited to go to another city to see the differences. According to our professor Beijing and Shanghai are WORLDS apart. I will make sure to update you on my findings. Right now though it is time for some meds and bed. I will not let the Chinese stomach flu keep me from Shanghai.

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