Saturday, July 19, 2008

shop til you drop...

(Large sigh) One would think that after, what, at least 8 or 9 years of homework I would learn my lesson about procrastination. Nope. I fear that I will never learn. In high school I would finish my study guides and homework either early in the morning or the class before. In college I write my 10 page research papers the night before; I pull all-nighters rushing to finish entire design projects, typically finishing only moments before they are due. All this being the case I was very surprised (and proud) for keeping up on my blogs during the first week. As we can tell, week two has not faired well. Once again my Mom was right. Now I sit here feverishly trying to remember what events transpired this week. Almost there (sigh of relief).

Starting next week we begin work, so the lackadaisical lifestyle we have been living for the last two weeks is going to come to an abrupt ending. It was raining when we woke up so it was decided a day of shopping was in order. Everyone was all gun-ho about this t-shirt store, that was apparently THE PLACE to get a graphic t-shirt. I was not sure what the amazing allure of this store was but we went there first. We arrived at the street and the cab driver pointed down the street and said something. We assumed from the gesture that it meant the store was down the street. It ended up we stumbled upon a hu-ton (spelling?) Basically, it is a street or alley, with a bunch of shops. Some of the things were hand made, others were seen in numerous stores, but it was just a cute little street with crafty items. I saw a lot of jewelry I thought I could buy many of you (especially Laura) but I didn't feel right bartering for people's handmade items. I felt like I was cheapening their work. Despite the fact that the t-shirt store was over hyped and a big bust, the rest of the street was a success.

Val and Christina had found the big Olympic store. It was OVERWHELMING! I didn't know where to go first, key chains or t-shirts, cups or stuffed animals. AHHH! So much and they like to offer you as much help as possible, even though you don't always want it. I took a lot of it in and only got a few things. My biggest goal during this whole thing is to get as many different Olympic bags as possible (Mom you would be proud).

Shopping here is exhausting. You can't carry anything around the store. You have to get a piece of paper and then bring it to the cashier. Finally, after you pay you can pick up your item. I am sure it cuts down on shoplifting, but it is a tiring process. Then on top of that EVERYONE wants to offer you their help, unless you are looking for help then suddenly they are gone. The story of shopping right? So after an hour in the most chaotic store ever and shopping all day at the hu-ton we were DONE. Too tired to fend for spots on the subway, we forked over the cash and took cabs home.

Yesterday night was another chill night, at least for me. Half the group went out to a sports bar. I was not in the mood to get dressed or shower, so a few of us stayed in to watch a movie. We didn't get far because everyone was falling asleep. Thus bringing an end to another successful, action packed day in Beijing.

Phew. All caught up. Tomorrow morning I will debrief you on today's events!! Maybe I can find the time to add some humor again. One can only hope. One update for today...we are given a five gallon jug of purified water (since we can't drink tap water.) My roomie decided that it was a goal of ours (Dad I think she has a frog in her pocket) to finish this five gallon jug of water in three days. She was very disappointed in our last attempt - it took us two weeks and apparently I put forth no effort. Haha. Anyway, today was day one and the jug is probably halfway gone. I pulled my weight, drinking an impressive 6 bottles of water (anyone who knows me knows that even one full bottle is a good day.) We went hard today with the strategy that tomorrow or Monday we could ease up a bit. I will keep you updated on our progress.

More to come tomorrow!

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