Friday, July 18, 2008

over and over again...

You know how on Groundhog Day Eddie Murphy wakes up and it is the same day over and over again? Well that is what Wednesday was. I woke up and felt like it was Tuesday all over again. 7:30 am we piled onto the bus. Half the group was missing at 7:31 and another college was ready and willing to leave them behind. Thankfully that did not happen. Upon arrival at the hotel we thought a McDonald's coffee would hit the spot. It MOST definitely did not. Coffee here does NOT taste like coffee at home. I poured lots of sugar and creamer which helped. Minimally. The man leading the group today started us out with this thought..."This is a good day. For the past week a man has been playing Celine Dion on his flute outside and today he stopped." I found that hilarious, you probably just had to be there. We went through more rules about what we can and cannot do. Not worth mentioning. Then there was TEAMBUILDING. I am not even going to elaborate. Since our venue is so far out west Krystina decided that there was no need to go out there and sent us home for the afternoon.

I know I have mentioned a number of times this group has a tendency to revert to childlike activities, Wednesday was no exception. Upon our arrival back home some of the boys decided they wanted to blow up the kiddy pool and put it on the 10th floor roof. Chris blew up the pool and 15 buckets of water later, we had a water paradise. I left for a while and came back to Christopher pimping it out in the pool with two girls. Let me brief you on how big this pool is, it was probably two or three feet deep and about three feet wide. I have NO clue how these three got in there together, but they did. Lauren then decided it was time to do her laundry. She got out her washboard bucket, soap, and head wrap to hand wash her clothes. Pictures will be added to my site later.

For dinner we went to Paul's. Krystina wanted to meet us for dinner so she could get to know everyone better. We told her we were in desperate need of real western food, not fast food either. Paul's it was. He is from North America and his restaurant has all American food. I FINALLY had my much desired Turkey Club and a salad. I know many of you might be gasping, but I was assured by Krystina that I would be fine. It was DELICIOUS. But the BEST part of the entire meal...dessert. Traci and I shared a piece of peanut butter chocolate pie. I would have skipped dinner and just had a piece of this pie of I known about it. One thing led to another that night and we ended up at a little local bar. It seemed like a typical night that could have happened at home, but because we were in Beijing it was that much better. The best part, for an amazing night of great food and excitement it only cost me $20. SOOO WONDERFUL!

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