Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a few sinful moments...

As I have already mentioned, I woke up at 5:00am yesterday. There is no excuse for this, and I find it very unacceptable on my part. I thought this early rise would lead to a late afternoon nap, but it never did. I powered through! And we all know how I love my afternoon nap!

After my dreadfully early rise, (aka about 5 hours later) we began the campus tour. I was introduced to A LOT of new people and it was then decided that name tags are an absolute must! We ventured to the bank, which was a complete mess. Some people needed to exchange money, some people needed an ATM, others were just along for the ride....a disaster! And poor Rina, our English-speaking CUC liaison, was so calmly trying to get everything done. Not to mention everyone seemed to forget what we learned in kindergarten...IN DOOR VOICES. After that we saw the rest of the dining halls and then ate. The best part of the WHOLE experience...I FOUND DIET PEPSI! This is always a great accomplishment for me when traveling. I know it is sad, but let's admit, I have a problem. I am addicted to Diet Pepsi. I can't help it. And those of you who have traveled abroad know that Coke pretty much dominates the international market. Not to mention, I am here for the Olympics and we all know Coke is a sponser. So any DP lover can appreciate what a feat this is. was great. I went back to get more and apparently that building, which also holds the ice cream, is in some sort of black hole and cannot be found. It's probably better that way.

Post Diet Pepsi and the amazing potatoes at lunch it was time for the day's big adventure. (Drum roll please) WAL-MART! Now, let me explain. I know this is wrong to go to a Wal-Mart but we were in desperate need of some essential products, so really our well-being was at stake here. Ok, maybe a little dramatic but oh well. A lot of people went to the silk market first and then took the train back to Wally World. Five of us decided traveling with 30 people was just a little too much so we just went to Wal-Mart. As you might have suspected, Wal-Mart is pretty much the same, just everything is in Chinese. Despite the stark similarity, we still managed to spend two hours there. Some of the most exciting finds included Koala Yummys (yeaaah), lots of foreign beer, and a hair dryer that would not kill a converter. We loaded up on the foreign beer, soft pillows, and laundry detergent then headed home. We were pretty much exhausted after that and very thankful that we skipped the silk market.

Speaking of the Silk Market, I hear it is quite the experience. Per my traveling buddies, Americans are prime targets and are pulled into stalls, then not allowed to leave until they buy something. This pretty much scared the rest of us. Later we were told that as long as you have some one else to pull you away it really isn't an issue. Enter Lauren. I have decided she is now responsible for my safety and well-being at the silk market. Oh and for getting me the best deals. Good luck.

The second major traveling sin we committed yesterday came at dinner time. I realize it is WAY too early to be craving food but it hit us yesterday. Our stomachs led us to Pizza Hut. Four of the boys graciously decided that we were welcome on their Pizza Hut trip. So, only an hour after getting off the train, we loaded back on and went out to the Wal-Mart area. Pizza Hut here is NOT Pizza Hut at home. This place was dining at it's finest. There were real plates, an entrance staircase, and a hostess to greet and sit us. After waiting for a longer than normal time to order, we looked around and realized to get service you didn't wait politely but instead raised your hand to let the waiter know you are ready. I actually think this is very efficient, and maybe should be used back at home. Although, being as needy as we are, the poor waiter or waitress might want to die by the end of the first hour, but still something to look into.

Everyone was a little tired last night, so most people went to bed at 9:00. Val, Patrick and I went to meet some of the Emerson people who came yesterday. They were placed in track, softball, and volleyball. I was a little saddened by that, but regardless I am here.

That was pretty much it. Today we are having a cultural meeting followed by one with the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee (BOGOC). We are hopeful that this second meeting means we are getting our uniforms today!! I see a photo sesson in the future! GET EXCITED!

Have a great day everyone!


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