Thursday, July 10, 2008

Well yesterday I made it to 5:45. Getting better on the sleeping thing. The day was kind of shot because we had to meetings and of course they weren't back to back. The first meeting at 9:30 was a crash course in Chinese culture. They told us about the different dynasties...aka named each dynasty. If a certain era was known for something they mentioned it, but that was pretty much it. We asked a few questions but nothing too exciting.

Lunch was the great restaurant down stairs. Patrick, the only one of us who can speak Chinese ordered for our table and it was amazing. Two hours later the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee came for a meeting. It was a little chaotic, but fine at the same time. We got our official letters of acceptance, the sym card, and tried on uniforms. They really aren't bad at all and I get three shirts, so play your cards right and maybe you'll be one of the lucky two who get my extra shirt.

We met our ONS leader she is awesome. Currently I am deciding if I want to switch to volleyball or not. My initial decision was no, then yes, and now I am leaning towards no again. I just have to decide by Tuesday. I would love volleyball but I am really scared that I am going to screw up so I might not switch. Who knows. We also found out that we would not be attending the Opening or Closing Ceremonies. I was very sad, but have gotten over it.

Yesterday afternoon a couple of us went to the Silk Market. Haggling is NOT my forte. But apparently the time to go is the afternoon because the people are tired and just want to sell stuff. Just an FYI for all those preparing for a trip to Beijing. Lauren loves to barter and purchased herself a nice (fake) pair of Pumas. Next up was the mall, it was very expensive, but if you're in the market for real Gucci, United Colors, and stores like that...definitely the place to be.

Today we woke up and went to the Forbidden City. (I slept until 8:00 today!!!) It was crazy. So much to see and not nearly enough time (or energy). We paid 60 RMB to get in and decided not to get the info tape. Probably a bad idea but we might have to go back it was so big. LOTS of photos were taken and eventually some day I will put them up on Picasa. It was really cool to just walk around in there. We decided there was too much to see and not enough time and since most of the buildings looked really similar we powered through our exit and jumped back on the subway.

Four hours in the Forbidden City is a lot to take in one day so we have been relaxing. Tomorrow we start our three day tour of Beijing...Sewage Plant and the Fields are our first stops. Peking duck for dinner. That kind of scares me. We'll see how that goes.

- - Megan - -

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