Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a little catch up...

I just realized that I didn't really give you any clue as to what I did this weekend. Ok, that's a lie. I know I didn't let you know what was going on, but I was semi-avoiding it but since I have extra time this morning I will give you a brief recap on the three days.

We arrive at the Velodrome just in time for the test event. Apparently, the schedule changed sometime after we left the night before and no one bothered to inform us. No matter, we were there. Basically the test events are a way for the Managers and BOCOG to see what kinks need to be worked out before the actual Games start. What they needed us there for was to practice the mixed zone and be "journalists" at a press conference to ask difficult questions. Saturday was the track cycling test event. We did our thing and that was pretty much it. It took all of 45 min and then we were free to go. So basically we traveled 3 hours to and from the Velodrome to work for 45 min. Grr.

Saturday night we celebrated Andrea's birthday because we knew that Tuesday night would have been impossible. While we were out we met and saw a lot of athletes, two of which were sitting next to us outside. I chalked up the courage to ask where they were from and the jerks, who spoke perfect English said they were waiting for us to ask. The one goes to Northwestern the other ASU. Both of them were alternates and probably won't see the pool for their events so we decided they weren't worth our time.

Pretty much the same drill as Saturday except we were out at the Mountain Bike section of the venue. I don't know if I have fully explained this but the name of the venue is technically Laoshan Bicycle Cluster. This means there is the indoor velodrome, the BMX course, and the mountain bike course. Sunday was Africa hot. I mean you walked slowly and you were sweating so naturally the test event for the day was mountain biking. We were outside for about an hour, went in to do the press conference and type of flash quotes and again we were done for the day. Sunday evening was a movie and Megan-trying-to-figure-out-her-last-year-of-college night. As you can tell not too eventful.

BMX test event. This was dreadful. The BMX venue is at the top of the hill and the only way you can use the elevator is if you are paid by BOCOG. Seriously? That is the ultimate stupid excuse. Anyway, we sat out side for two hours basically doing nothing. They had planned rain delay and then another press conference. I wouldn't say it was a waste of three days but there wasn't much that we did that wasn't done other days with our managers and journalists.

Yesterday the athletes started to come, but seeing as it is still a while until cycling events start no one was really there yet. Most of us spent the day researching and deciding what who we wanted to interview for our news articles.

Right now I am sitting in my bed waiting to leave for work, I turned on the TV and found out that the Torch Relay was at the Forbidden City this morning. We had no clue and I am actually pretty upset because I could have easily gone early before work. Oh well. As Court said, there is always 4 years from now. Time to go. CIAO.

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