Friday, August 1, 2008

I've got a golden ticket...

Wednesday was day three at the Velodrome. Big news came right before lunch, there would be a drawing for 8 tickets to see the dress rehearsal of the Opening Ceremony. The catch, 8/85 would get it. Not horrible odds, but it wasn't like of the 25 or so people working in ONS 8 would go. Lunch was, well, lunch. I had a green orange. Actually, at first I thought it was a lime on steroids it was so green. Regardless, it was delightful.

Immediately following lunch was the big drawing. Each person walked up to the box and made his or her fateful selection. I stuck my hand in, shuffled the papers around a bit, and pulled out a piece of paper. No such luck, it was blank. As we sat there watching everyone you could see each person's look a desperation and hope. Many people, myself included, held their breath for a short moment before opening the folded paper. As if some mystical power would suddenly make the paper say Congratulations. As someone put it, "It's like the golden ticket in Willy Wonka." Leroy was one of the 8 lucky people to attend. He didn't stop smiling all day. And, being the journalist he is, he wrote a detailed account of the performance so that he could report back to us (no cameras were allowed). I have not yet listened. I am trying to be the good kid who doesn't look at her Christmas presents before they are wrapped. Unlike my normal self, I am letting this remain a surprise. We'll see if I can last the week.

After the drawing hoopla we watched cycling videos, complete with crashes. I encourage you to watch this video. Pay close attention to the kid at the top of the screen. No bones were broken and if I remember correctly no one went to the hospital. Typically what happens is because of the friction from the wood and the speed at which a person is riding the bike, if you fall you are more likely to get burnt. I am not going to go into details because it kind of grossed me out. Just watch the video.

The videos really helped me understand each race. I can officially say that I understand the different events and can recognize them. Check. One thing down, only 188 athletes to go. Piece of cake. (insert eye roll here) We did more mock interviews and press conferences. I was Victoria Pendleton from Australia and won a silver medal. Seeing that I am the reining World Champ in my event I was very disappointed in silver. Imagine, disappointed in silver!

Wednesday I also started the official Beijing diet. I am not sure if I mentioned this before but if I did I am going to tell it again. Andrea and I decided we were going to start a diet that consisted of no western food, unless it is a salad. Even though it has only been three days I have been very successful. The real test will come when everyone is going to Paul's or Tim's, will I be strong enough to decline a delicious turkey sandwich? We shall see.

Evening was the new norm here, blogging and just hanging out. We played an intense round of Euchre which involved more than one death threat and numerous I hate yous. I have no books left so I went to bed with no story time. Day over.

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