Friday, August 22, 2008

we are the champions...

Oh. My. GOD.

I don't even have the words to express the excitement and torture that was tonight. I am too hyped up to even write anything. This was the single greatest night of my life. I watched them Women's Soccer team win Gold and I just cannot explain it. I had a blog idea while I was walking to the subway and I already forgot it. My mind is a million miles a second; I don't think my fingers will ever catch up. I feel like I am being flash quoted and all I keep saying is "I'm so happy. I'm so happy." But I am. I felt like I was part of that team tonight. I felt every frustration, every bad touch, every misplaced kick. When Hope Solo would dive through the air to block a kick I felt the thud of her landing. For all the shots that were mere centimeters off I let out the same sigh of relief the players did. With 30 seconds left and a Brazil corner kick pending I closed my eyes, thankful, like the girls on the bench, that I was not out there.

There is nothing like the Olympics. It has such a power to move people. I have never had that feeling at the Bears game. I felt like my entire life had been working to this moment, yet I was simply sitting in the stands watching. I always wished I would compete in the Olympics, first it was ice skating then soccer. The reality is, I never came close. Heck, I couldn't even make starter on varsity soccer, let alone attempt to be a sub on the USA Women's team. As I sat in the stands I knew this is the closest I would ever get to that dream. Those last 30 or 40 seconds ticked away slowly, dreadfully slowly. The only comparable experience is that of the minutes before taking a final, where you can no longer cram because you are too busy panning out all the possible situations. The what ifs. What if they get a break away? What if we foul in the box? What if they score? It's amazing how many thoughts can race through our minds in such a short period of time.

I will never be able to put into words what I felt tonight. The relief I felt when the game was finally over. The compassion and sympathy I felt for the Brazilian woman who just played 120 minutes of spectacular soccer, yet have to stand up on the podium as second best. Or the pride I felt for my country as I watched our flag being raised with the Star Spangled Banner playing the background. I am not a good enough writer to recount the evening in such a way that it makes you trade places with me, makes you feel like you were there standing next to me. All I can say is, I will never forget this night. AHHHHHHH!


Anonymous said...

Even though you did not give a blow by blow detailed account of the match, I felt the passion you felt writing. Above all events that you were able to watch, I am so happy for you that you were able to watch women's soccer!!! It's amazing sitting in my house watching the Olympics, but to be able to sit in the stands...I would probably have tears running down my face the whole time, because the overwhelming emotions that I would be having.

I love reading your posts, they sound like you are sitting next to me speaking the words! :)

Hope all is well, if possible try and snag a shot glass for me!

xoxo Liz

Anonymous said...

I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be in the stadium and have the national anthem played.I'm with Liz I bet I wouldn't be able to stop crying.
I am so excited for you that you were able to be there and experience that event.
Chicago better get 2016.

Anonymous said...

so cool! i just told ober you posted the blog already, and i'm so glad i peeked before i go to bed!